Monday, September 19, 2005
FAQ Regarding Relay Teams
We received an emailed question today regarding relay registration.
The writer asked:
Can a person who is running the whole race, also run as the first person on a relay team? If so, how do I sign up that way?
Our answer: That's been a recurring question. I'm glad you asked it; it's significant enough for our race that I would like to post it on the web log for the race at
The first year that the relay became part of The HUFF we did allow a 50K participant to be counted as having run the first leg for a relay team. However, it was decided after the first year that we adopt a rule that a member of a relay team cannot also be counted as a 50K participant.
It became more important to have this rule with the introduction of chip timing. The 2005 race will mark the third year of chip timing. A relay team is only issued one chip; the chip and strap need to be transferred from the runner completing a leg to his teammate who will run the next leg. A companion rule is that no participant can wear more than one chip.
This DOES allow a member of a relay team to run two legs of a relay. This sometimes becomes necessary if a relay team loses a team member at the last minute. Indeed, some teams whose members are supposed to meet at the race find themselves in a spot when one of their team doesn't show up. It would work an unfairness if the two members couldn't go ahead and participate.
There were many scenarios we tried to avoid with the adoption of these two rules. For example - preventing two relay runners from contacting one of the elite runners and asking whether they would mind being counted as a member of a relay team. This prevents teams from having a "ringer" with little effort.
It sounds as though you would really like to have your friends participate with you while you run the whole 50K. Please know that if it is a matter of finding a third member of a team we can try to help you do that. If you have some special requirements (such as people who can run a particular pace) let us know. We'll try to make a match.