Sunday, September 11, 2005
Chief Little Turtle's Daughter memorialized
An 1880's engraving of Miami Indian Chief Little Turtle serves as the major focus of The HUFF 50K logo. When The HUFF 50K began featuring a different historic Miami Indiana figure on the reverse of the finishers' medals the image of Little Turtle's granddaughter, Kil-so-Quah, was the first used. There will be a memorial dedicated to Kil-so-Quah this coming weekend in Huntington County. The following is from the September 9th Fort Wayne News-Sentinel:
A historical marker honoring Kilsoquah, granddaughter of Miami Indian Chief Little Turtle, will be dedicated at 1:30 p.m. Sept. 18 in Glenwood Cemetery in Roanoke [IN]. Kilsoquah was believed to have been about age 105 when she died around 1915. She is buried in the center of the circle at the cemetery. The dedication ceremony also includes a cemetery walk, with re-enactors portraying prominent people buried there. Photo credit - Indiana State Museum