Friday, December 09, 2005

Very Cool Bib Numbers for the Early 50K Folks

Those who registered early for The HUFF 50K individual 50K event are going to get a special bib number this year. You can see an example of it to the left of this text. (Yes, Mr. Huff is really entered in The HUFF).

Those whose bib numbers are already assigned on the online registration "confirmed registration" page will be getting a personalized race bib. Most of the bibs contain just the last name. Some contain a first initial and a few, like Mr. Huff's, have both first and last names listed.

If there are some misspellings, please forgive us and roll with it. We will be happy to give you a new 'pristine' bib number AFTER the race if your name is misspelled. We'll be very surprised if there are more than one or two names incorrectly listed.

Those relay teams which registered early will be getting bib numbers with the team name imprinted. Those with longer team names got abbreviated in what we think is a reasonable way.

Personalized names for One-Loop Fun Runners? No, it wasn't in the cards for this year.

As for persons who have not yet seen their names or team names on the confirmation page
please be patient. You will see remaining names and additional size information being listed over Saturday and Sunday. As names arrive Monday and Tuesday in the mail, we will get those posted as the week goes along. Keep an eye on your email. Maps, updates and instructional letters will be arriving.

Almost all the names not yet listed are One-Loop Runners and Team Relay members. There are a some 50K individuals that have been received the last three days which have not yet been entered. Team Relays not yet listed as confirmed but which got their entries in early will be getting personalized bibs. We will be working to double check the data already entered in preparation for putting race packets together on Sunday.

There is snow on the ground now. We will be giving course condition updates this weekend and during the week ahead.

Sounds great Mitch. Those of us who are significantly south of you will be very interested in the snow report. How much is on the ground now?
Many thanks for the weather updates!
We plan to let others lead... er um... I mean plow us a path ha ha! D. Potts, Akron, OH!! Can't wait!
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